Friday 22 April 2016

Soul And Peace - The Inseparable Relationship

Soul and peace, the topic might say million things. Yes there are million things to say about the soul that filled with peace.  But how to retain peace in our souls ?

Nature Of Soul

The nature of soul is tranquil, it is always calm and composed without any deviations and thoughts in minds. Soul is like a pure holy water, which is transparent and you can see what lies on the  bottom of the water. 

Consider if you put a stone in it and it will spread waves. And it will be so beautiful when you see it. And consider what will happen to the pure water if you put thousands and thousands of stones. It will just result in  untidy waves and in turn it will loose its characteristics of purity  and composed nature.

When Soul is At Peace?

The soul is peaceful by nature. When you came to the earth you were a peaceful soul and when you got a body to reside and then as the day passes you became body conscious. Keep in mind that you are  a soul and not a mortal body.

How To Attain Peace

The only way to attain peace is to live in the moment. No past and no future, only present. Yes! the moment. You can attain peace through Self control. If you have self control you can earn it yourself. But to be frank, you may need to get devoted to the God, the supreme power. Through meditation and continuous prayer you can attain anything. Meditation should be a determined one and you shouldn't do it for name sake.

How long it will take for us to become peaceful

If you do meditate regularly and with a determined focus, you will reach the destination of peacefulness. Once you reach it, no bad things can affect you. With the support of God you can do incredible things.

I will explain more about the soul, God, Meditation, Yoga, Spiritual stories in the upcoming posts. Your comments are most welcome :)

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