Friday 16 September 2016

Pranayama | Important things That You Should Know About Pranayama : The Breath Control Yoga Technique

Pranayama is the control of Prana;regulation of prana. Prana is the life force.Swami Vievekanada  says since prana  activates the lungs,pranayama is the regulation of activation of  the lung muscles.

Pranayama is a complete and wholesome yogic practice.It  is the best purificatory practice. Be it to purify your body or mind. Pranayama is compared with the action of a goldsmith. Just as a goldsmith blows forcefully on the gold to remove its impurities, through the  practice of  pranayama by blowing the lungs impurities are removed from the body, mind and the senses.

The soul is in the heart. There are 101 Nadis  in the heart and each have100 branches and each of those branch have 72000 sub branches.Prana flows through all these nadis and controls the nerves. The nerves in turn control all our sensory activities and other functions. Thus the prana controls each and every action in our body. And hence it purifies the body and soul. As the brain is controlled by the prana, practicing pranayama controls mind too.

The detailed benefits of Pranayama are given below:
Physical benefits:
According to Yoga, our longevity of life is indirectly proportional to our breathing rate. Lower breathing rate will extend your life. For example a tortoise breathes four or five times per minute and its lifetime is two hundred years or more.

Pranayama regulates the breath and lowers the breath rate thus increasing our lifetime. It reduces the wear and tear of our internal organs, relieves tension of nerves and muscles, lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation by pumping fresh and non-toxic blood to and from the heart. Thus the cosmic energy reaches all parts of our body.

It makes us sit up fresh and increases our metabolic activites.Thus improving our immune system and preventing the onset of disease.

How Pranayama Can Help You Mentally?

Since most of our physical problems are solved we would be able to concentrate better on other activities. More than that practice of Pranayama has soothing effect on our mind too. Since the nerves are relaxed we feel stressed out and our brain becomes calm and active. We will be able to attend to our duties in a more focussed manner.

Since the life force is positive the optimum utilisation of it through pranayama diminishes negative qualities like anger, depression, greed etc.And improves positive quality like love, selflessness,humanity etc.

By regular practice it improves memory, gives you nice, deep, quality sleep, lightness of body, feeling of inner peace and many other positive qualities.
The body undergoes birth, growth, decay and death.In the youthful period the anabolism i.e. the rate of cell rejuvenation exceeds the catabolism i.e. the rate of cell decay. Again during the older days the reverse takes place. Regular practice of pranayama postpones the catabolism and increases the anabolism in the body.

To achieve this, a regular practice is inevitable along with patience and it is advised to learn the techniques from a trained yoga professional. Though Pranayama benefits us; wrong practice may give into disorders in the body and mind. And there is no after effect if you stop practicing Pranyama as opposed to other exercises.  

Author - Harini

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