Monday 19 December 2016

Death Is A Liberation - You Won't Take Anything With You When You Die

You Won't Take Anything With You From the Earth When You Die

Every people has an aim to earn everything in their life. They need money, luxurious homes, car, ornaments and so on. The whole world rely on money. Money means everything. Life has become very mechanical and it results in the effect of people undergoing hardships throughout their lifetime.

Does money is everything in life ?

Yes, you need money to survive. But the thing I try to convey is, money is not the only thing that you need to survive. There are few God's rules that you need to run your life without any conflicts. Money is just an equipment to fulfill your physical needs and definitely not your mental needs.

You don't take anything from the world when you die

People are greedy. They don't have an honest desire and vision of life. They are stressed. They become machines. They know that they won't take back anything when their soul departs from them but they didn't realize it. Even the body they worshiped and taken care of will be taken back by God in the end. 

Realizing this truth

When we realize this truth and cherish the God's gift of life and follow the path of peace and kindness we will definitely live a happy life. Optimistic view on life can do magic.
Avoid anger not just because of avoiding problems, but you need peace.  Stay positive, God will take care of your well being.

Alexander the great on his death bed asked people to bury him with his hands outside the grave. When asked why ? He said that the world should know that "A man who conquered the world had nothing in his hand when he leaves the earth".

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