Monday 19 December 2016

Simple Solution To All Life Problems

Really Our Life Is Confusing ?

Why Life Is So Confusing

Life has put a simple rule to living being that, to feel something good you have to felt the bad something before. You can't realize the value of happiness if you have never felt the sadness before.

Things To Be Get Cleared Before Understanding The Concept Of Life

Yes off course, your life is very very simple and short. But, what makes the simple thing so much confusing ?
The main reason is desire and impatience to attain it. Sometimes we forgot to be grateful for what we have.
The world you are living is very huge with different living beings scattered around you everywhere. Every one has their unique character. There are selfish, happy, sad, kind, cruel and many kinds of people surrounds you. Their behavior will never be same as your behavior. At that time confusions on life arise for us.

How To Learn The Art Of Life

Understanding. Understanding others and the world is the core concept of god (if you believe in god or consider as nature) that they wants the living being to understand it and act upon it. It will resolve any kind of problems and avoid the stress and negatives that you were been surrounded through out the life.

See Life In A Simple way

Life may look confusing. But see everything in a simple way. "This moment too will pass". Have faith in God and first love yourself, then learn to live with fulfillment and spread kindness. Learn to be grateful. These things will make you a better person always and keeps your heart filled with  bliss forever.

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